More Than a Word. Reconciliation Takes Action. From May 27th to June 3rd we celebrate National Reconciliation Week and the Mercy Hub is hosting remote and face-to-face events to support the movement of reconciliation. May 26th - National Sorry Day – Comfortable Cuppa
We gather with our Mercy community to understand the significance of National Sorry Day and how we can all play a part in the healing process for our people and nation. We will reflect on the history of the stolen generation and the importance of the reconciliation process to strengthen relationships. May 27th - Learning Circle with Indigenous Hospitality House THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO COVID RESTRICTIONS In this session we are joined by Indigenous Hospitality House (IHH) who offer accommodation for visiting First Nations people. Mercy Hub and IHH are co-facilitating a space for non-Indigenous people to consider and learn what it means to live on stolen land. This safe space will be opened for intentional discussion, acknowledgement of our history, and action-taking. Afternoon tea will be provided. June 2nd - Pre-recorded ‘Two Worlds’ TED Talk and reflection This pre-recorded 2015 ‘Two Worlds’ Ted Talk is spoken by Ingrid Cummings, a Whadjuk Nyungar woman from Perth WA. Cummings grew up in two worlds, the indigenous and non-indigenous Australia. Despite her painful trauma as a child, she found herself and encourages us to integrate these two worlds to form a new Australia. This talk will propel us into our own reflections and experiences of 'living in two worlds' and how this can impact one's sense of identity and belonging. This session will be screening the 2015 TED Talk video clip, If you'd like to view this video prior to the Zoom, the link is Enquiries - [email protected] Comments are closed.
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November 2024