The Mercy Hub is welcoming all to our free Community Art Classes, facilitated by Carlton artist, Phil Kreveld who specialises in pencil and water colour painting.
Wednesdays - 6 weeks term througout the year
617 Nicholson St. Carlton North
Our casual classes provide a space for people to come together, engage in conversation, and learn skills in pencil and watercolour painting.
All experience levels are welcome and materials are provided.
Thank you to the Community Bank Clifton Hill - North Fitzroy for partnering with us and supporting this program!
If you're interested in attending, please email: [email protected]
Wednesdays - 6 weeks term througout the year
617 Nicholson St. Carlton North
Our casual classes provide a space for people to come together, engage in conversation, and learn skills in pencil and watercolour painting.
All experience levels are welcome and materials are provided.
Thank you to the Community Bank Clifton Hill - North Fitzroy for partnering with us and supporting this program!
If you're interested in attending, please email: [email protected]